Saturday, May 27, 2023

Resep Membuat Brownies Kukus

Resep Membuat Brownies Kukus

Brownies are a popular dessert loved by many people around the world. They are soft, moist, and chocolatey, which makes everyone crave for more. There are various ways to prepare brownies, and one of them is by steaming them. Steamed brownies, also known as brownies kukus, have a unique texture that is soft and fluffy, making them very appealing to the taste buds.

To make brownies kukus, you will need flour, sugar, cocoa powder, eggs, milk, baking powder, and margarine. First, mix together the flour, sugar, and cocoa powder in a bowl. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, then add melted margarine and milk. Mix this with the dry ingredients and stir until everything is well combined. Lastly, add baking powder and stir again.

Once the batter is ready, prepare a steamer and set it on medium heat. Grease a cake pan with butter or cooking oil and pour in the brownie batter. Place the pan on the steamer and cover the lid. Let the brownies cook for about 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Once the brownies are fully cooked, remove the pan from the steamer and let it cool before slicing. You can also add toppings like chocolate chips, sprinkles, or nuts to make your brownies more flavorful. Enjoy your delicious and healthy dessert without compromising on the taste!

Resep Membuat Brownies Kukus

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Resep Membuat Vla Susu Kental Manis

Resep Membuat Vla Susu Kental Manis

Membuat makanan sendiri di rumah tanpa harus membeli dari luar tentu sangat menyenangkan. Tentunya selain menghemat uang, kamu juga bisa menikmati makanan yang lebih sehat dan segar. Salah satu makanan yang mudah dibuat di rumah adalah vla susu kental manis. Berikut adalah resep lengkapnya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat vla susu kental manis adalah susu cair sebanyak 500 ml, kental manis 4 sendok makan, tepung maizena 2 sendok makan, garam 1/4 sendok teh, dan vanilla essence atau ekstrak vanila secukupnya. Tentu kamu juga harus menyiapkan panci, pengocok telur, dan spatula.

Langkah pertama adalah mencampurkan susu, kental manis, tepung maizena dan garam di dalam panci. Aduk rata sampai semua bahan tercampur dengan baik.

Setelah itu, nyalakan api kompor dan masukkan panci yang telah diisi campuran bahan tadi. Masak dengan api sedang sambil terus diaduk agar tidak menggumpal sampai adonan merata dan mulai mengental.

Tambahkan juga sedikit ekstrak vanila untuk memberikan aroma yang harum. Aduk lagi sampai tercampur rata.

Jangan lupa tambahkan juga

Resep Membuat Vla Susu Kental Manis

susu kental manis ketika sedang diaduk supaya rasanya lebih nikmat. Biarkan campuran ini sampai mendidih sambil terus diaduk supaya vla tidak membentuk gumpalan.

Setelah mendidih, kecilkan api dan biarkan vla terus dimasak sambil terus diaduk-aduk. Lakukan ini sampai vla terlihat halus dan terasa lembut.

Saat adonan vla telah mencapai konsistensi yang pas, matikan api dan biarkan dingin supaya lebih enak saat dimakan.

Agar vla tidak terlalu cair atau terlalu kental, bisa juga dilakukan penyesuaian jumlah susu. Jika ingin lebih cair, tambahkan susu cair sedikit demi sedikit. Jika ingin lebih kental, tambahkan sedikit tepung maizena.

Vla susu kental manis ini bisa langsung dinikmati atau dijadikan topping untuk aneka makanan dan minuman, seperti es krim, pudding, atau pancake. Kamu juga bisa menambahkan topping sesuai selera, mulai dari buah-buahan segar, coklat serut, kacang atau meses.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa membuat varian rasa lain dengan mengganti ekstrak vanila dengan coklat bubuk atau bubuk matcha. Dengan resep yang cukup mudah ini, kamu bisa menikmati vla susu kental manis yang alami dan enak di rumah. Selamat mencoba!

Monday, May 8, 2023

Interior Design Ideas

Interior Design Ideas

If you want to give a new look to your home or office, interior design is the key. Interior design is not about just decoration; it is about creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. Here are some interior design ideas that can help you.

Firstly, if you have a small space, go for light colors on walls and furniture. Light colors create an illusion of bigger space, whereas dark colors make the space look smaller. Moreover, consider multifunctional furniture such as a bed with storage or a coffee table with storage. It will save you space and increase functionality.

Secondly, mix and match patterns and textures. Layering different textures and patterns can create depth and contrast, making the space lively. Don’t hesitate to use bold prints, but use them in small quantities to avoid overwhelming the space.

Thirdly, use lighting to create a mood. You can use lamps, pendant lights, chandeliers or even string lights to create a cozy or bright atmosphere. Also, consider using natural light by placing furniture beside windows and using sheer curtains instead of heavy ones.

Lastly, incorporate artwork and statement pieces that reflect your personality. Artwork can add color and visual interest to walls, while statement pieces can serve as a conversation starter. For example, you can add a rustic wooden bench or an antique rug as a statement piece.

In conclusion, interior design is about creating a functional and visually appealing space. Use these interior design ideas to inspire your creativity, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and designs. Just remember to prioritize functionality and personality in your design choices.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Resep Membuat Bakso Ayam

Resep Membuat Bakso Ayam

Bakso is a popular Indonesian meatball dish with a rich, flavorful broth. While traditionally made with beef or a combination of beef and pork, chicken bakso is a delicious and healthier alternative. Here is a recipe for making homemade chicken bakso.

To start, you will need ground chicken meat. Mix the chicken with tapioca flour, garlic, onion, salt, white pepper, and egg. Knead the mixture by hand until it becomes smooth and sticky. This process ensures that the meatballs will have a nice texture and hold together well.

Next, prepare the broth. Boil chicken bones with water, garlic, onion, celery leaves, and salt to make a flavorful stock. You can customize the broth to your liking by adding herbs and spices, such as bay leaves or star anise.

It’s time to shape the mixture into meatballs. Wet your hands with cold water and scoop about two tablespoons of the chicken mixture. Roll it in between your palms to form a ball. Repeat until you have used up all the meat mixture.

Boil the meatballs in the broth until they float to the surface, which signals that they are cooked through. This should take about 10-15 minutes. Add some sliced carrots, celery, and scallions to the broth for added flavor and nutrition.

To serve, ladle the hot broth with meatballs into individual bowls. Garnish with fried shallots and fresh cilantro. You can also add some noodles or rice for a more satisfying meal. Chicken bakso is a comforting and satisfying dish that is perfect for chilly days or when you are craving some comforting Indonesian food.

Resep Membuat Bakso Ayam

Monday, May 1, 2023

Resep Membuat Bakso Sapi

Resep Membuat Bakso Sapi

Bakso Sapi is a popular Indonesian meatball soup made from beef. It's a deliciously comforting dish that is perfect for colder weather or rainy days. Bakso Sapi is usually eaten with noodles, sliced scallions, and chili sauce. Here is a simple recipe for making Bakso Sapi at home.

To make Bakso Sapi, you will need ground beef, garlic, shallots, salt, pepper, and tapioca flour. Start by mixing the ground beef with the minced garlic and shallots in a large bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Then, slowly add the tapioca flour and mix well until the mixture is smooth.

Once the mixture is smooth, take a handful of the beef mixture and shape it into a ball using your hand. Place the meatball in a pot of boiling water and cook until the meat is fully cooked. Repeat the process with the remaining beef mixture until all the meatballs are cooked.

To serve, boil some noodles separately and place them in a bowl. Add a few meatballs to the bowl and pour the hot broth over them. Garnish with sliced scallions and chili sauce. Enjoy your homemade Bakso Sapi!

For an extra burst of flavor, you can also add beef bones, lemongrass, and other herbs to the broth. This will give your Bakso Sapi a rich and savory taste. It's also common to serve Bakso Sapi with fried wontons or steamed dumplings on the side.

Bakso Sapi is a staple in Indonesian cuisine and is loved by many around the world. It's a simple and delicious dish that you can easily make at home. So next time you're craving some hearty soup, try making Bakso Sapi and impress your family and friends with your culinary skills!

Resep Membuat Bakso Sapi

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Resep Membuat Weci

Resep Membuat Weci

Resep Membuat Weci

Weci adalah makanan yang terbuat dari tepung ketan, kelapa parut, dan gula merah. Makanan ini berasal dari Sulawesi Selatan dan menjadi salah satu camilan yang banyak digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Weci memiliki tekstur yang kenyal dan rasa yang manis. Bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba membuat Weci di rumah, berikut adalah resep yang dapat dicoba.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam membuat Weci adalah tepung ketan, kelapa parut, gula merah, santan, tepung kanji, dan garam. Untuk membuat Weci yang sehat, Anda dapat menggunakan gula kelapa sebagai pengganti gula merah.

Pertama, rebus gula merah dengan sedikit air hingga gula larut dan berbentuk sirup. Setelah itu, campurkan kelapa parut dengan garam dan sedikit santan. Aduk hingga tercampur rata dan sisihkan.

Kemudian, masukkan tepung ketan dan tepung kanji ke dalam mangkuk. Tuangkan sedikit santan ke dalam adonan dan uleni hingga tercampur rata. Setelah itu, tambahkan sirup gula merah sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni hingga tercampur rata dan adonan menjadi kenyal.

Ambil adonan sebesar biji kelapa dan pipihkan dengan tangan. Lalu, ambil sedikit campuran kelapa parut dan letakkan di tengah adonan ketan. Lipat adonan ketan sampai kelapa parut terbungkus rapi. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk adonan yang lain.

Setelah itu, kukus Weci yang sudah dibentuk di atas daun pisang selama 30-40 menit hingga matang dan kenyal. Angkat dan biarkan dingin sejenak sebelum disajikan.

Agar Weci tampil lebih menarik, taburi dengan kelapa parut dan gula bubuk di atas makanan. Weci bisa dihidangkan sebagai camilan di sore hari atau sebagai hidangan penutup di atas meja makan saat berkumpul bersama keluarga.

Namun, bagi Anda yang tidak suka kelapa parut, Weci juga bisa dibuat dengan campuran kacang tanah atau wijen. Rasanya akan sedikit berbeda, namun tetap lezat dan dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh anggota keluarga.

Itulah resep untuk membuat Weci yang mudah dan dapat dicoba di rumah. Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil membuat Weci yang enak dan kenyal.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Resep Membuat Brownies Panggang

Resep Membuat Brownies Panggang

Brownies is a classic dessert that many people love. Whether it's chewy or cakey, this chocolate treat is hard to resist. If you want to try making brownies from scratch, why not try baking some brownies panggang? This Indonesian style of brownies is deliciously rich and fudgy, and definitely worth a try.

To make brownies panggang, begin by melting 200 grams of dark chocolate and 150 grams of unsalted butter in a double boiler. Mix until completely smooth and set aside to cool slightly. In a separate bowl, whisk together four eggs and 200 grams of granulated sugar until well combined. Gradually add the chocolate mixture to the egg mixture, stirring until fully incorporated.

Next, sift together 100 grams of all-purpose flour and 25 grams of cocoa powder. Fold the flour mixture into the chocolate mixture until just combined. Do not overmix the batter as it may result in tough brownies. Pour the batter into a 20x20 cm greased and lined baking tray.

Resep Membuat Brownies Panggang

Preheat your oven to 180°C and bake the brownies panggang for approximately 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out with a few moist crumbs. Allow the brownies to cool down in the tray for about 20 minutes before removing them to cool on a wire rack. Once cooled, slice into squares and serve as desired.

There are various ways to jazz up your brownies panggang. You can add nuts, chocolate chips, or even a swirl of peanut butter or caramel to the batter. The possibilities are endless! These indulgent treats are perfect for any occasion or whenever you are craving something sweet.

So, grab your apron and start baking these delicious and simple brownie panggang recipe. You don't need to be a master baker to make these decadent treats that your whole family will absolutely love! Enjoy!